Facebookaholics Anonymous Meeting Script/Plan

Plan – Facebookaholics Anonymous


* Thank members for attending

* Introductions and how often they use Facebook

* Explain purpose of the group and the intentions – read the leaflet out

* Talk about confidentiality and honesty/respect

* Disclaimers – all must sign

* Brief intro to concept of fb identity and social identity construction

Group discussions

* Does your Facebook profile really represent you, if yes in what ways?

* Have you ever lied or exaggerated the truth on Facebook, if so why and what

* How often do you post something fairly mundane/boring on your own or someones elses timeline, why?

* Why do we feel annoyed about people posting mundane/boring things on their profiles, should we feel annoyed?

* Would you be happy if there was no way to untag or remove things from your timeline?

* Would you be happy if everything you did in a day was posted on your timeline as a status and why?

* How selective are you with your profile pictures/photos you are tagged in, and why?


Split into pairs and hand out paper and pens

Pair discussions

* Why would you try and alter your identity for Facebook?

* How is your online identity different from the real life you and how? (photos, statuses, fitting in with social groups, music, films, ‘likes’ – selection and choice)

* How often do you write how you really feel in a status?

* Are you happy with how you come across in our Facebook profile?

* Have you ever posted something or changed your profile picture, then removed it because no one ‘liked’ it? And why?

* If you had to make your Facebook identity more representative of your real life identity, what would you change?

* Who are you trying to impress/ fit in with through the construction of your Facebook identity?

Feedback on pair discussions – Any issues raised etc

Confession Time

* Is there anything you would like to share with the group, anything you feel embarrassed about your profile… something you’ve done, or not done, hidden, posted, stalked, lied etc

* Thank group for sharing

* Any feedback

* Any thoughts provoked from the session