Bryony Gillard

Bryony Gillard was a large influence through her interest of social sculpture and audience participation within her performances. These aspects can be seen throughout various of her pieces. Some examples are shown below:

Her piece Toast, invited the public to join in with the etiquette of a toast, this project helped to investigate into social gatherings and in this instance this was the opening of an exhibition. This projects was working with audience participation allowing resulting in collaboration through public toasts. She set out guidelines for the event, and made sure the public knew that they could toast anything. This collaborative event took place every 20 minutes from 1pm to 4pm.

Her piece Nail Art,2012, a collaboration with Creative Claws, invited the public of Cornwall through publicity to come and have free nail art inspired by 5 selected artists. Whilst having their nail painted in the style chosen by Amanda Carey, she would talk about the artists work creating conversations and the transferring of knowledge.