Simon Grennan and Christopher Sperdio

Simon Grennan a practicing artist and Christopher Sperdio work together as a transatlantic collaboration. Within their piece’s they attempt to approach public interaction in humorous ways.

‘Our original aim was to develop an ego-less artwork’ Times Like These, Grennan & sperandio, 1995.

They’re practice worked as a collaborative experience through audience participation, and is often regarded as a project of social Investigation alike social sculpture.


Bibliography: 2013. Dr. Simon Grennan | University Of Chester. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 6 Dec 2013].

Grennan, S. and Sperandio, C. 1995. Times like these. Manchester: Cornerhouse.

Macêdo, S. 1999. Collaboration in Art: Sharing the Space of One?. Masters. University of Northumbria at Newcastle upon Tyne.